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Stronghold Cyber Security is a veteran-owned cyber security company located near historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania that provides cutting-edge security services to businesses throughout the country. Service offerings include regulatory compliance, penetration testing, advanced cyber risk management, along with customized cyber security programs.

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Stronghold Cyber Security CEO Sourced For Wall Street Journal Article On Business Cyber Security

Stronghold Cyber Security CEO sourced for Wall Street Journal article on business cyber security

Stronghold Cyber Security CEO Jason McNew was recently interviewed by The Wall Street Journal for an article discussing business cyber security in small growing companies who require an expanding cyber security footprint as their size increases.


When most small businesses start out, they don’t have a lot of hardware to protect, so they install antivirus software and other safety measures on each device individually.

The trouble is that, as companies grow, they add many more computers but often keep protecting them on a device-by-device basis. And hackers have a variety of attacks in their arsenal that can bypass the protective software used for individual computers. If they can compromise one machine, the whole network is open to them.

“You need a variety of different protections to deal with a variety of different threats. It’s like dressing for unpredictable weather,” says Jason McNew, chief executive officer of Stronghold Cyber Security in Gettysburg, Pa., which tests clients’ security systems to look for potential vulnerabilities.

He recommends a security strategy that protects the entire network and not just individual devices. One solution: unified threat-management platforms, or UTMs, which take the place of the routers that most individuals and businesses use to manage their network traffic.

The devices integrate a firewall, antivirus protection and content filtering in one box and have a single set of controls, so they’re easy to set up and maintain.


Small business owners tend to be highly focused on delivering their products and/or services to paying customers, so business cyber security becomes ancillary (at best) to daily operations.  However, most businesses nowadays live and die by their information, so protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of that data cannot be overlooked any more than maintaining a balance sheet.

The full article titled “The Cybersecurity Mistakes Startups Make When They Get Big” can be located under the Journal Reports: Small Business section, with a direct link located here.  A companion article appeared in the November 26, 2018, print edition of The Wall Street Journal as “Security Goofs Small Firms Make As They Grow.”



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